Give Your Home a Better Driveway

Contact us for asphalt driveway repair or installation in Freeport, Crestview & Panama City, FL

Are you considering a new driveway paved with asphalt? Do you need repairs on your existing asphalt driveway? Reach out to Star Paving and Sealcoating LLC in Freeport, Crestview or Panama City, FL for professional asphalt services. Our team will complete a fast and fully functional asphalt driveway installation that will last you years.

If you've got cracks or damaged places that need to be fixed, our asphalt driveway repair contractors will have it back to normal in no time.

Your driveway deserves the smoothest asphalt around. Call 850-451-0237 to schedule an asphalt driveway repair or installation service.

Why choose asphalt over concrete?

Why choose asphalt over concrete?

If you're in the market for a new driveway, choose our asphalt driveway installation over a concrete surface. We recommend asphalt instead of concrete because asphalt is:

  • Fast to install. It takes one to two days to complete, as opposed to concrete's three to four.
  • Extremely durable. Concrete can "flake" even when installed correctly, but asphalt will stay strong.
  • Easy and cheap to repair. If it ever wears out, asphalt repairs are quicker and more affordable than concrete.

Contact our team for more information on why an asphalt driveway is best for you.